Rules & Regulations

Alleghany Highlands BIG BASS Fishing Tournament May 6, 2017
Official Rules & Regulations

5:30-6:30 AM — Check-In  |  6:00-6:45 — In water (after check-in)  |  7:00 AM — Launch
3:00 PM — Tournament Ends and Weigh-in Begins  |  3:00 PM — Awards


Participation in this tournament is open to anyone with a valid fishing license. A properly completed and signed official entry form and an entrance fee of $125.00 per team must be received by the Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce on or before May 3, 2017. If unable to participate, you can receive a refund of $100.00 as long as notification of withdrawal is received by The Chamber of Commerce office no later than April 21, 2017 and as long as your withdrawal does not reduce the total number of registered below the minimum of 30 boats. The maximum number of boats is 50 for this event.
Any mail in registrations and monies that are received after the registration cut-off date of May 3rd will be returned.

Each Individual or Team must register by May 3rd. Your number will be drawn by you when you turn in your registration in person at the Alleghany Chamber of Commerce or drawn for you via facetime if it is received by mail. There is ZERO Tolerance for late participants. If you do not check in before 6:30am on event day you will NOT participate and will NOT get a refund! Interpretation of the rules shall be left exclusively to the tournament rules committee and the decision of the tournament officials shall be final in all matters. No exceptions. Substitute of one (1) person on any team can be made during the registration period. A substitute must meet all eligibility requirement set forth in rule #1. Should no substitute be available, that individual will be allowed to fish without a partner with a five (5) fish limit.

Safe boating conduct must be observed at all times. Each competitor is required to wear a coast guard approved chest-type life preserve that must be worn anytime the main motor of the boat is in operation and the kill switch attached to his or her person. Violation of this rule shall be reason for immediate disqualification. No boater will pass up a stranded or disabled boat.

Sportsmanship, courtesy and conservation are to be practiced by each contestant at all times. Trolling is not permitted. Only casting, spin-casting or spinning rod and reels may be used. If your boat breaks down you may ride in with another boater.

Only fish with one rod at a time. No fly rods. Artificial lures only. No live baits or ”prepared baits” will be permitted.

Boats must have the following equipment: a. all standard coast guard safety equipment; b. A properly aerated live-well compartment; c. some type of ignition kill switch. Each boat must be inspected by a tournament official before beginning the tournament. It is the responsibility of each boat owner to guarantee that his/her boat satisfies all requirements. Between 5:30am – 7:00am the tournament volunteers will inspect boats to insure that the live wells are empty.

Each boat will be given an official number. It is required that this number be on the boat at all times throughout the tournament.

Participants are required to be familiar with Lake Moomaw Fishing rules and regulations. No fishing inside the buoys at Fortney Branch or near the Dam and Quarry or within 50 yards of another contestant’s anchored boat.

Tournament Day Check-in will start at 5:30am until 6:30am on May 6 at Lake Moomaw Fortney Branch location. Boats must be in the water by 6:45 am. The first boat will be released at 7:00 AM on the day of the tournament. Boats will be released in order to ensure safety of contestants. Failure to Check-In by 6:30am will disqualify your team.

All fish must be weighed at the assigned weigh-in time and place. Do NOT bring fish to weigh-in until boat if has been called. Boats may be trailered after 2:00pm. Please keep live well operating. A member of the team must sign the completed weigh-in sheet. Each team OR Individual will be allowed to bring 5 legal (12″) fish to the scales. All recorded and signed off weigh-ins are final. No re-weighs!

Scoring will be determined by pounds and ounces. The tournament winners will be determined by total weight accumulated during the tournament fishing time allotted. Only largemouth and smallmouth bass will be weighed. Five (5) fish limit per individual OR team. All bass weighed must be at least 12″in length. If in the judgment of the tournament officials any bass presented for weigh—in has been mashed, mauled or mangled, that bass will not be counted in the team score. Bass presented for weigh»in which fail to measure the established minimum length shall accrue penalties at the rate of one pound for each such bass and the short bass will not be weighed. Fish will be measured with the mouth closed and will be legal if the fanned tail touches the 12″ or appropriate line. Each competitor is expected to keep his/her bass alive. A penalty of 4 ounces will be deducted from the team score for each dead fish.

In case of a tie for any place, the team with the greatest number of live fish, or if still tied, the largest live fish will be awarded the place in question. A toss of the coin will resolve any yet unbroken ties. The next place will go to the team so eliminated.

Protests must be filed by 3:30pm.

Number and amount of awards are based on number of boats entered. Biggest largemouth and biggest smallmouth bass will also get an award. Minimum payout for 30 boats is $2,400.

Please find enclosed with these rules and regulations an official entry form that must be filled out completely and mailed or hand delivered to the Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce, 110 Mall Road, Covington, Virginia, 24426 by May 3rd 2017 with $125. If we do not have the minimum 30 boats registered by May 3rd the Alleghany Big Bass Fishing Tournament will be cancelled and all participants will receive a full refund.

The Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce and Tourism
110 Mall Road
Covington, 24426

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